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RM 102.00
Blue-Green Slime Stain Remover”UltraLife Blue Green Slime Stain Remover is a revolutionary time tested product, that will efficiently and safely remov..
RM 129.00
Chemiclean cleans stains from red, black, blue-green, and methane (bubble) producing cyanobacteria in marine aquariums.It is completely safe for all f..
RM 44.00
Copper Power Marine is one of the safest most effective copper medications available for the elimination of external parasites. Copper Power Marine is..
RM 110.00
Relief from cryptocaryon lmitans (marinelch) most efficient when cryptocaryons are in the free swimming phase of its live cycleDirections dissol..
RM 259.00
RTN / STN-X the solution against tissue necrosis on corals RTN/STN-X is a protective treatment for corals and is effective against tissue necrosis ..
RM 55.00
ritz mardel coppersafe Chelated Copper Treatment for the Infections of: Ich Flukes (Gyrodactylus) Anchor worms Velvet/Protozoan diseases other externa..
RM 68.31
Focus™ is an antibacterial polymer for internal infections of fish. Focus™ is primarily intended to be mixed with food and/or other medications to mak..
RM 68.31
OverviewMetroPlex™ is an effective and safe treatment for several protozoan and anaerobic bacterial diseases of fish (Cryptocaryon, Hexamita, Ichthyop..
RM 68.31
OverviewNeoPlex™ is a broad spectrum antibiotic effective against most external infections of both marine and freshwater fish. Used as directed, NeoPl..