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RM 44.80
CaribSea AmmoBuster Extreme Water Conditioner 8oz.AmmoBuster™ Extreme is the one step water conditioner that does it all! AmmoBuster™ Extreme will not..
RM 63.00
HAWAIIAN BLACK 9kg Special Grage Arag-Alive! Live Aragonite Reef Sand contains millions of live bacteria to create a natural biological balance in yo..
RM 51.20
CaribSea AragaMILK Liquid Aragonite – The easy way to add balanced calcium, carbonate buffer, and essential trace elements like strontium, magnesium, ..
RM 330.00
Caribsea Aragonite Dry Reef sand substrates - 40 lb (18.18 kg)Aragonite Substrates - Recognized globally for their purity and precision. Our substrate..
RM 217.00
ARM Coarse Reactor Media contains calcium carbonate and trace elements. · Nearly 50x the Strontium of other brands (7390ppm)Precision grading (2-3mm) ..
RM 73.60
With BioMagnet Clarifier Pro you are able to remove all suspended solids in the water such as algae, fine particles or bacteria in a natural way withi..
RM 175.00
Product DescriptionCaribSea Coraline Aquarium GravelDon't settle for an ordinary gravel. Natural dramatic colors and textures combined with pH support..
RM 87.50
Dry Aragonite Substrates - CaribSea's dry marine substrates are recognized worldwide for their purity and precision. Our substrates are purposely engi..
RM 560.00
LifeRock™ begins as a sunlit piece of Pleistocene era seafloor thriving with living creatures. Over the next 100 millennia and the retreat of the ocea..