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Refractometer Calibration Standard 1.0264 Specific Gravity 1.3394 Refractive Index 35 ppt Salinity 53 uS/cm at 25 deg c Overview Brightwel..
Refractometer Calibration Standard
1.0264 Specific Gravity
1.3394 Refractive Index
35 ppt Salinity
53 uS/cm at 25 deg c
Brightwell Aquatics Aquarium Reagents Refractometer Calibration Standard is designed to provide an accurate reference for the calibration of seawater refractometers, hydrometers and other density measuring equipment.
Instructions & Guidelines - Refractometers
1. Shake product well before using.
2. Clean Refractometer prism slide with fresh distilled water.
3. Dry completely with soft clean dry cloth.
4. Place several drops of Brightwell Refractometer Calibration Standard fluid on the slide.
5. Wait 45 seconds and calibrate to 35 ppt Salinity.
Refractometer & Hydrometer Calibration Standard
1.0264 Specific Gravity
1.3394 Refractive Index
35 ppt Salinity
53 uS/cm at 25 deg c
Brightwell Aquatics Aquarium Reagents Refractometer & Hydrometer Calibration Standard is designed to provide an accurate reference for the calibration of seawater refractometers, hydrometers and other density measuring equipment.
Instructions & Guidelines - Refractometers
1. Shake product well before using.
2. Clean Refractometer prism slide with fresh distilled water.
3. Dry completely with soft clean dry cloth.
4. Place several drops of Brightwell Refractometer & Hydrometer Calibration Standard fluid on the slide.
5. Wait 45 seconds and calibrate to 35 ppt Salinity.
Instructions & Guidelines - Hydrometers
1. Shake product well before using.
2. Rinse Hydrometer with distilled water.
3. Pour Brightwell Refractometer & Hydrometer Calibration Standard fluid carefully into hydrometer to avoid bubbles.
4. Tap hydrometer to dislodge any bubbles and use a stirring rod to tap the swing arm to release any remaining bubbles.
5. Read hydrometer, at 25 deg c ( 77 deg F ) you should read a specific gravity of 1.026
Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum claram anteposuerit litterarum formas.